
Sunday, March 28, 2004

An entry which doesn't deserve a title 

Well the last entry was a week ago. Not much has happened since.

It's a real problem being away from the internet during the working week.

We haven't incorporated yet, we're still close although I'm not too sure about the business name. I also looked through a financial model Peter sent and made some responses.

It's been a very long time since I did all this so I'm a bit rusty. Also the nomenclature varies a bit between country and country.

I can get emails during the week thanks to my Palm Tungsten connecting via Bluetooth to my mobile phone. This then uses GPRS to connect to the internet. And Palms can now receive and read some attachments, like Excel spreadsheets. I've found out the hard way that they don't always data convert properly. The spreadsheet Peter sent came out full of errors on the Palm. But when I looked on it on my laptop it was fine.

So, I'm writing this entry to get the momentum going again. As the momentum picks up I may even write entries during the week and post at the weekend: now why didn't I think of that before.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

It's back and it's the same 

Looking at the last entry it has been a while.

Regular readers, well regular readers don't exist do they. I've looked at the email account I set up and there's not been one email. Not even from supermodels, Heidi wo bist du?

Nevertheless I'm back to perservering.

First, let me give some grovelling excuse as to why this site hasn't been updated since October.

Un-read blogger in job shocker

Around November time I started a contract with a public sector organisation. It was to manage a little project they had going.

This was all quite ironic as, after many, many applications (how many? well, let's just say quite a lot) this was a job for which I hadn't applied. I was contacted on the off-chance.

It wasn't located near where I live so I've been living in a hotel during the week and driving back home at the weekends - a four hour drive each way.

I won't say where this job is based but will mention that the police aren't allowed to do DNA forensics there.

It's not much of a lifestyle but it's better than laying on a bed occassionally updating a blog site and trying to get MySQL to work. Well, it's only just better.

And it means I could contribute to the economy by buying a Palm T3, a digital camera and a Bluetooth headset for my mobile phone. (Supermodels: it's not too late to email me).

After over 12 years of work this has been my first experience in public sector - worthy of a blog site itself, in fact a blog site people will even read, although I haven't written one.

And this project has dragged on and on - not something I'm used to. In fact this project had at least one false start before I even joined.

So the whole business thing went quiet for a while - not least as there was a nasty outbreak of Christmas.

But then it remerged. In fact we're hoping to incorporate very soon.

We've decided to go for the packaging venture because:

- the window of opportunity in our geographical market sector is opening soon and there's no competitors
- never did get that damned SQL thing to run.

However, if this venture kicks off then we'll have money and experience to develop the technical product as well.

The other reason I haven't been able to do anything on the technical development is that I don't have internet access in the hotel and that basically precludes any techie work.

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