
Sunday, October 17, 2004

There are results ... 

and there are excuses

We're not really in the realm of big excuses yet. We haven't got far enough to fail and we're still bullish about the business proposition.

A few things have hindered progress recently:

- a few personal accidents and a pregnancy
- focussing most of my daily efforts on gettting another job (after my last contract was completed)
- communication problems.

We're both now on broadband. We've tried video links but haven't been able to get audio working with them.

Next stop is to try using Skype to provide the audio component and let Microsoft's Messenger provide the video component.

Although Peter and I have known each other for two decades having conversations when we can view each other would be so much better.

It hasn't been forgotten 

Despite the long absence in writing some work has been done on the business.

As you know we've set up a web domain and that is now working, along with the email redirection.

About a week or so ago I finally worked out how to do a cash-flow spreadsheet.

No, it's not that easy. A lot of guides seem to exclude issues on VAT. That is a major ommission. Sure, leaving it out makes it easier to explain basic cash-flows. But really, it's the VAT which could cripple your business.

Once I got the spreadsheet correct the whole comprehension problems vapourised. I felt daft in having problems before.

I'm taking the view that the cash-flow spreadsheet is the financial model for the business. Balance-sheets, profit and loss etc seem incidental. As far as I'm concerned they can be a consequence of good cash flow. As can the financial ratios and NPV figures.

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